From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Launching SOLIDWORKS for the first time

Launching SOLIDWORKS for the first time - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Launching SOLIDWORKS for the first time

- [Instructor] SolidWorks is the world leader in 3D solid modeling software. SolidWorks is both a history and feature-based parametric modeling program. This software uses a simple set of tools and commands to help you design parts, assemblies, and drawings. Now on your screen here, you should see something that looks a lot like this icon here. It's called SolidWorks. And go ahead and just double click on that, and let SolidWorks open up. If you have not activated your software yet, now's a great time to do that. Otherwise, just click on this little radio button here to do it later. All right, let SolidWorks open up and you should see a screen a lot like this one here. It's going to show you the home screen, and the home screen's going to give you a bunch of information here. I've got my home, I've got recent, I've got learn and I have alerts. All these things show up at the very top. Directly below that is the ability to start a new part, assembly or drawing. I can also switch over…
