From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Intersect tool

Intersect tool

- [Instructor] The intersect tool is an amazing tool that allows you to take a face or a plane and use that to slice up a solid body. Let me show you how it works. So right over here, I've got a solid body right here, just a basic block. And then I have a surface body that I've created that goes right through the center of that block. And what I want to do is I want to use this surface to slice this block in half. So you should have two separate parts when you get done with this job. So you might be thinking, well, I don't know how to create surfaces yet in this course, so let me show you how to do that. So first things first, let's just grab the surface and I'm going to hit Delete on the keyboard and get rid of it. All right, so bye-bye surface. All right, now you can see I just have a line. So right over here, I've got a sketch on the side of my block. And if I just jump in and edit that sketch, you can see it's just a spline that I just randomly drew across the part that's going to…
