From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2024

Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2024 - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2024

- [Instructor] Each year, SolidWorks gets just a little bit better. And in this year, there's been some great improvements. In fact, one of the things that people have been asking for for literally years and years and years and years that SolidWorks has never delivered on, they have finally come out with. So I've been to a bunch of the SolidWorks Worlds, these are the World Conferences where everybody gets together and they, you know, they ask for what's the best things and what the most requested improvements of SolidWorks are. And one of those things is backwards compatibility. For years you have not been able to actually save a document into a previous version. And they did come up with that a few years ago and it didn't really work that good, but now we actually have the option to save back for two versions of the software. So we happen to be working in SolidWorks 2024, so I can save as a 2024 document, a 2023, or 2022 document from SolidWorks now. So let me show you how that…
