From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Hole Wizard Slots

Hole Wizard Slots

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to be learning about the Hole Wizard slot. Now the Hole Wizard slot's been around for a while, but I want to jump in and show you how that works. The first thing you want to do, though, is select a face you want to put those slots on. Come up here. Under Features, come over here to Hole Wizard and fire up the tool. Now, right over here, you can see, under Hole Type, the bottom row here is a Counterbored Slot, a Countersunk Slot, as well as a regular Straight Slot, right, so let's go ahead and choose the Countersunk one for right now. And then I've got a system of ANSI inch, but you could choose any one of these other systems here. And as far as the type of screw right, I can use a 100-degree screw or an 82-degree screw, your choice. I'm going to choose the 82. And then as far as the fastener size, I want to use a 3/8, which looks fine, but any of those would be okay. Now come down here to the dimensioning scheme. So you can dimension either…
