From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Erasing, undoing, and redoing actions

Erasing, undoing, and redoing actions - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Erasing, undoing, and redoing actions

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to be learning about erasing, undoing, and redoing of actions. Now you might think, "Hey, I already know how to use the Delete key." This is nothing groundbreaking here, but there's a couple cool things that I want to show you that maybe help you out here. So the first thing, if you just click on, like, an item, like this one right here, I have the option of hitting Delete on my keyboard, and it is gone. Pretty straightforward, right? Well, if I bring it back, no big deal. The other thing is, if I click on something else, I can right-click on it. I can come down here to click on and hit Delete. So that's gone as well. Undo it one more time. So now you got a couple things that are on the screen. It's easily enough to delete them using the Delete key. But what if you want to delete a whole bunch of things, right? So what if I come up here, I click and hold down my mouse button, my left mouse button, and mouse over and make a little window here,…
