From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Equation driven curve

Equation driven curve

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to look at the equation-driven curve. So what exactly is an equation-driven curve? Well that's something that we're going to find out. So right over here, I'm in the sketch tool. I'm going to go ahead and create a front plane. And right over here under where the spline is, is I'm going to come down here to equation-driven curve. So there it is. All right, so what does this mean? So basically your curve's going to be a combination between X and Y. So if you say X is equal to Y, it's going to be a straight line. So here's my equation. I have two different ways to do it. I can say an explicit or a parametric. So my first one's going to be just something based on X. So I'm going to make sure that's a little X. And then I'm going to go ahead and say where I want to start from. So I'm going to say zero. And let's say I'm going to go to five. So that's going to define my curve. And notice right over here on the screen, I have this straight line…
