From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Downloading internet parts

Downloading internet parts

- [Instructor] One of the best ways to design and work with SolidWorks is to not design the components at all. In fact, head over to the internet and download those components for free. Generally, there's a ton, thousands of components, thousands of different manufacturers actually, who are offering their components in a 3D CAD format available to anybody who needs them. So right over here, I've got a couple different examples of content central places or content suppliers, who you can download, just sign up and download some of the components. A lot of times when you're working with a design, you may be designing a couple of the key components, but things like the hardware, the brackets, or circuit board components, or things like that, like these are all available online. So just go ahead and download them, it makes your design so much easier. In fact, generally makes your design look a lot better too because the content you're downloading is a lot higher quality than something you…
