From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Direct editing: Move/Copy Bodies

Direct editing: Move/Copy Bodies - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Direct editing: Move/Copy Bodies

- [Instructor] For this section of the course, we're going to be working with direct editing. Now, direct editing allows you to take a solid or a part and just directly do something to it. I don't have to go back through the feature manager and find where that feature was originally created. If you want to move a face, you just move the face. You want to add a hole, just add a hole. If you want to delete something, you can just quickly delete it. So it's great if you're working with somebody else's model and they didn't create it correctly, or there's some problems or features and you just want to make some quick and dirty edits to your part without having to know exactly how that part was created. This also works really good if you're importing something like a step file, right? It doesn't have a feature tree, it's just a dumb solid that's been imported. You might want to modify that. And the direct editing toolbar is going to allow us to do all those things. The first tool inside of…
