From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Direct editing: Combine

Direct editing: Combine

- [Presenter] When you're working in direct editing and you have multiple bodies, more than likely at some point in time, you're going to want to combine those two pieces together or maybe subtract them or maybe find what is in common between the two of them. Guess what? We've got a great tool called Combine. But before we can use the combined tool, I do need to actually have two separate bodies. So right here, you can see I have one solid body right here. And I'm going to go ahead and use this sketch right here to create a revolve. So here's my sketch. I'm going to come up here and go to features and create a revolved boss or base. I'm going to revolve around that interior line right here, and I want to make sure that I'm unchecking merge result, right? So we have two bodies, click OK. And now you can see, I've got this first body here and the second body here. And now I can use the direct editing combined tool. So direct editing right here, come up here to combine. And notice we've…
