From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Dimensioning holes and curved features

Dimensioning holes and curved features - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Dimensioning holes and curved features

- [Instructor] When you're working with holes inside of SolidWorks drawings, there's a couple different tools that I want to point out and show you how we can work with those. So the first thing I want to point out is the regular hole call out. So right over here under annotations, you got the hole call out, click on that one and I can come over here and quickly add something like a dimension to one of these holes here. And notice what it gives us. It says, "Hey, you've got three "of these holes at one, two, and three." It's got a hole that goes through this entire thing that's 0.531, and then it's showing that you've got a countersink 0.875 at 82 degrees. So that makes sense, right? That's a nice call out, it's calling where it is. Now what about this hole over here? I can do a same dimension here and I can say, "Hey, 180 through, and then 0.3 to a depth of 350, so that's what that depth is. And then a counter sync of 0.4 at 90 degrees. So that kind of makes sense, but I feel like…
