From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Detailing Mode

Detailing Mode

- [Instructor] Let's talk about Detailing Mode. Now, detailing mode is just a mode to open up an existing document. So the most basic way to open any document is right here, on the screen. You can see it's resolved, right? That's going to go out and SolidWorks is going to open the drawing and then look for each and every one of those components and find them and then open them and then bring them into the document. So it's a reference in them with a hard reference. Now, the next option over here is lightweight. So what that's going to do is going to do the exact same thing. It's going to go find all those documents, but instead of fully loading them back into SolidWorks, it's actually just going to bring in a lightweight version of them. That's going to make things a lot easier to kind of view in a quick manner. However, if you do need to actually do something to that document or to that part, you're going to have to resolve it and then you can actually open it and work with it, okay?…
