From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Designing with blocks

Designing with blocks

- [Instructor] One of the more interesting things you can do with blocks is you can use them to simulate mechanisms. So right here on the screen, you can see I've got some sketching entities here and you can see here I've got like this, almost like a little fork on this side and then I've got these lines here, which would be like the lower arm, the upper arm, and maybe this is something like a motor. So I want to simulate this four bar mechanism here on the screen and see how the motion looks prior to actually creating these parts so I'm only in a 2D sketch right now. I'm just trying to figure out where these components should be established at. So I can do that all in a block. So make sure you have the block toolbar turned on. If you don't have it turned on, come over here to toolbar, make sure you turn on blocks. It's going to pop up right over here. And go ahead and let's create a couple blocks. So right over here, I'm going to make this whole thing here is the little fork…
