From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Creating swept shapes

Creating swept shapes

- [Narrator] All right, for this video, we're going to be learning about sweeping. Now, I'm not talking about sweeping the floor here, I'm talking about making a swept boss or base inside of SolidWorks. So what you need for a boss or base is a profile and a path. And the idea is you're going to take one basic cross section or one 2D sketch, and then you're going to drag that sketch through another path and that's going to create your sweep. This is great for things like wires, for tubes, hoses, things like that. They're going to take, they have the same cross section, but then they're going to translate and go somewhere else through a path. So let me show you how that works. Right over here under features, we've got the swept boss base, click on that. And you can see here we need two things. One of them is their profile. Next one, it's going to be the path. So over here you notice I've got a couple sketches. I have a sketch of this hanger here, and then I have this little rectangle…
