From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Creating revolved features

Creating revolved features

- [Instructor] The next stop in our basic modeling adventure is the revolve command. To start up the revolve command, we are going to start up a brand new document. I'm going to choose this one right here and I'm going to go ahead and start a sketch on something like the front plane. So here we are with the front plane and I'm going to draw just a basic rectangle. Here's my rectangle on the screen. Now I want to create a revolve from that. So to create a revolve, I need a centerline. So right here is the regular line, and directly below that is the centerline command. So I'm going to draw a few of these lines out here on the screen, just around where this rectangle is so we can understand what the revolve feature actually is going to do. All right, so once you've added those lines, we're going to come up here to Features and we're going to say, I'd like to create a revolved base or boss. And so the first question, it says, Hey, well, what do you want to revolve this thing around…
