From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Creating offset geometry

Creating offset geometry

- [Instructor] All right, for this video, we're going to be learning about offset entities. Now offset entities is a very, very useful tool. I use this all the time and it not only can create new geometry for us, but it can also help us locate other geometry. So let me show you how it works. Come up here, click on Offset Entities and determine how far you want to offset something. So I'm going to type in like .5 inches. Now notice we got a bunch of options. So you can say add dimensions, you can reverse it, you can select the chain, you can go bidirectional, you can do all those other things, right? So first, let's just choose a circle. Notice it's offsetting to the outside. Well, if you want to bring it to the inside, no problem. Let's click on Reverse and bring it to the inside, right? If you said, hey, I'd like the original circle to be construction geometry, well that's fine. I can say I'd like the base geometry to be construction geometry. Or you can make the offset or you can…
