From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Creating a coordinate system

Creating a coordinate system

- [Instructor] So anytime you're creating a new part in SolidWorks, it has a default origin, as well as a default coordinate system that's been assigned. Now, we've already looked at this a little bit in the past, but I do want to point out why this is really important, especially if you're taking one of the certification exams. So if you're taking a certification exam, like the CSWP or maybe the CSWA, a lot of times, they're going to ask you to build a part and then assign a coordinate system and then measure that part, see how much it weighs, figure out what the moment of inertia, something along those lines of what you're going to be looking to do. So let me show you how to do it. Before we jump into that, though, let's go ahead and look under Evaluate and come up to Mass Properties. So under Mass Properties, notice it's giving us the default coordinate system, which you see right here, and it's giving us the density of the mass, the volume, surface area, the center of the mass…
