From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Concept sketches

Concept sketches

- [Instructor] For this example, I'm going to be showing you how you can use a concept sketch to create a kind of base drawing so that you can then create a real part from inside of SolidWorks. So right now I'm in Sketch Ink, I'm going to be using a Wacom tablet. But if you have a Cintiq, or Wacom tablet, or a touchscreen, or any of those things, you can use the Sketch Ink toolbar and create some quick sketches. And especially if you're doing kind of concept or high-level design, you might just want to jump into this mode here and just kind of start sketching some things out. And then, later on, you could then convert those to real parts or you can hand 'em off to somebody else and they can create it for you. So let's go ahead and just try to create a basic part. So right now I'm just in a basic drawing mode and I'm just going to go ahead and just kind of like, just lay something out. So I'm going to say, hey, I want to, oh, we got to go make sure we turn on the drawing mode and make…
