From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Building your first assembly

Building your first assembly

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to continue our quick start journey, but the focus of this video is going to be to create an assembly. So on the screen here, you can see I've got three different parts, and what we want to do is we want to create an assembly of these components. So whenever you create an assembly, you want to think about what the base part is going to be, what's the part that's going to be kind of the part that's non-moving, and the other parts will move to this one. So in this case here, you've got like this little jar here and you've got a lid, then you have something you're going to put inside of the jar. Maybe it's like some powder or something like that. So it's an example of three different parts. So in this case, I would assume that the base piece here would be the beginning part of the assembly. Then you're going to put the material inside, and then finally, you're going to put the lid on top of that. So you'd want to start with this component right…
