From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Building assemblies with design tables

Building assemblies with design tables - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Building assemblies with design tables

- [Instructor] For this video, I want to show you kind of a walkthrough of how you can use several different configurations of a part and some in-context features to create some fairly complex assemblies. So right over here you can see I've got a mockup of a wall section here. And notice we've got a two by four, we've got some dry wall here on the back, we've got some trim pieces. We've got a door frame, we've got a few other things here that we've created. And notice we've got a bunch of different things here, but there's really only a few parts here, right? So if I open up like the two by four for instance, I can open it up here and you can see I've got multiple configurations of that two by four. Now you can drive anything you want. You can change this two by four to be a two by eight, a two by six, things like that. But I've only created this as a two by four. So the only thing I'm changing or the only thing I'm driving is actually the length. So if I come over here to the tables,…
