From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Basic steps for 3D modeling

Basic steps for 3D modeling

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to be focusing on the six steps of modeling. So almost every single feature you create inside of SolidWorks is going to follow the same exact steps. Over and over again, they're like building blocks. You're going to start, do the six steps to create a feature, and then start with the next feature and do the six steps over and over again to create your model. So the very first step is to select a face or a plane. So step one, select a face or plane. When you first get started in a model, there are no faces, right? So you have to choose a basic plane or fundamental plane to get started with. Once you have that plane selected, next, let's go ahead and start a new sketch on that plane. Pretty straightforward. Once you've got the new sketch, let's go ahead and draw something out, some geometry, some shapes that we need to turn into some type of feature. We're going to do, it's in extrude, we're going to do a cut, a revolve, whatever it is, we are…
