From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Adding fillets and chamfers to sketches

Adding fillets and chamfers to sketches - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Adding fillets and chamfers to sketches

- [Instructor] SolidWorks provides us with some handy tools to add fillets and chamfers to our sketches. Now, my basic design philosophy is to keep my sketches as simple as possible and add things like fillets and chamfers in the actual 3D solids. But there may be reasons you might want to do it in the sketch mode. So let me show you how to do that. Right over here, go over to sketch. And you can see right up here at top of the screen is sketch fillet as well as sketch chamfer. Let's start with the sketch fillet. Pretty straightforward. You're going to literally choose which points and/or lines you'd like to use and then determine what the radius wants to be. So I'm going to go ahead and either choose the corner point or like this line and then that line. So your choice of how you want to do that. And then you can define how big you want that fillet to be. So, let me start that again. Right up here, fillet. I can either choose the point itself or I can choose the line and the…
