From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Adding custom properties

Adding custom properties

- [Instructor] Custom properties are a form of metadata that's attached with a part. So anytime that part is used in a drawing or maybe a bill of materials, you have access to that metadata and you can pull that out and use that on your drawing or on that bill of materials. So to access and use metadata, we need to assign it to our part you see right here. So if I click on this part and I say open up the part, notice right over here and right at the top here I have file properties and there's a bunch of different types. There's a summary, right? So you can write who the author is, keywords comments. If you're going to be using like a PDM system, you can have things you can search for over here, right? A title, a subject, so on, and some of the information over here. Custom properties, you can fill out however you'd like. And there's also configuration properties as well. But right over here under custom properties, we have the ability to start adding some different things in. So I can…
