From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Adding balloons on an assembly drawing

Adding balloons on an assembly drawing - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Adding balloons on an assembly drawing

- [Instructor] Once I have a bill of materials added to my drawing, the next thing I need to do is add balloons so you can tell which item corresponds to which row in your bill of materials. It's pretty straightforward and easy to do, but before we jump into adding the balloons, I want to point out that I did come over here and I actually did rename each of these parts so they do correspond to this movie itself. So they all end with like P1 is still part one, but I'm making sure that they're coordinated per which movie I'm actually recording here. I added the revision as well as a description to each one of those things, so now we can actually see what it is. Once you have all that done, we're ready to add balloons. If you don't have that done, click on any one of these rows. I can right click on it and say, open that part. I can open it up. Come over here and go ahead and click in here and add description revisions or any other data you want. You can have as many custom properties as…
