From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Understanding why speed is critical to design sketching

Understanding why speed is critical to design sketching

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Understanding why speed is critical to design sketching

- Speed is critical to sketching, because ideas, thoughts, and observations are ephemeral. They come and they go quickly, so if they're not captured or recorded in one form or another, they could vanish just as quickly. Furthermore, ideas rarely come out of our heads fully formed. We actually need to coax or tease them out whatever way possible. This might include jotting down notes or words associated with the ideas, as well as quick thumbnail sketches. And when there are several possibly competing ideas, it's important to respond quickly, but also carefully to the various flashes of inspiration competing for our attention, so as not to let good ideas get away. So in the early phases of sketching, much like in brainstorming, the focus should be on spontaneity with an emphasis on perfusion rather than precision. In fact, designers generate a lot of initial ideas, so that they can sift through them and discover the best ones. Initial judgement, in other words, should be withheld to…
