From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Understanding the conversational nature of good sketching

Understanding the conversational nature of good sketching

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Understanding the conversational nature of good sketching

- Earlier, I alluded to the fact that as I was sketching the map on a napkin, I was actually responding to many of the marks as I was creating them. They were actually helping me to see the scene I was trying to depict. With each mark, I put down on paper, the scene continued to unfold. But I could also make adjustments if something seemed off. Or I could add a detail if I realized something was missing. I was, in other words, having a conversation of sorts with this sketch. Now that might sound a little strange but just think of the many conversations you've had with a close friend or a family member. You begin saying something and before you've even finished, they might respond by either agreeing with you or saying something to challenge it. In turn, you might quickly respond to their comment because it is help to clarify what it is you're really trying to say. Or, might also change course or, for that matter, strongly defend it. Conversation in this sense encourages clarification…
