From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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The power of centerlines and projection lines (projecting to vertices and center points)

The power of centerlines and projection lines (projecting to vertices and center points)

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

The power of centerlines and projection lines (projecting to vertices and center points)

- In the previous video, I mentioned the centerline several times as I sketched the printer without the aid of the full scaffolding I'd used earlier for the cubic form studies. In fact, I've mentioned centerlines intermittently throughout the entire course. It was there for the sketch of the house, for the equilateral triangle sketch, the tetrahedron, and even the orthographic sketches. Centerlines keep the process of sketching centered, and while that might sound basic, it's in fact central to the decision making process, and here's why. Remember, we're sketching illusions of objects in space, and in order to make good fast decisions, we need to know where we are in space, or at least where we appear to be. But even more important, the centerline and the centerpoint are real. Why do I say that? Well think about it in orthographic. I've sketched a square, and I need to find its center. I can take out a ruler and measure it, or I can quickly draw two diagonals and voila, there's the…
