From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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The interrelationship (connection) between the systems

The interrelationship (connection) between the systems

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

The interrelationship (connection) between the systems

- In the last movie, I touched on the fact that the three projection systems, orthographic, isometric, and perspective had several things in common, most notably the fact that they all rely on methods of projection. However, these systems are interrelated in other important ways as well. For example, one way to think about the isometric system is to actually think of it as a three dimensionalized version of the orthographic system, which is why it's sometimes called two and a half D. The orthographic and isometric systems are interrelated because they maintain parallel relationships between lines and edges. Whereas in the perspective system, horizontal lines converge to vanishing points. But there's more, the projection that occurs in the orthographic system takes place between the various individual views. Let's look at that quickly animated. While the projection that takes place in both the isometric and perspective system takes place in a single view. Let's take a look at that as…
