From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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The DNA of 2-point perspective

The DNA of 2-point perspective

- Between the one point perspective overview and the previous rotated plan explanation, you should have a pretty good idea of the fundamental concepts and some of the critical terminology of perspective, including picture plane, ground plane and ground line, horizon line, vanishing point or points, and so on. Let's turn our full attention now to two point perspective, which is not only far more useful in design sketching, but also more descriptive, and frankly, more fun. Just to be clear, regardless of the perspective system used, they all permit the designer to project geometry. Lines and curves consisting of point or vertices, surfaces consisting of connected sets of lines and curves, and forms consisting of connected surfaces that enclose space. The most important difference between one point and two point, comes down to the subtlest rotation of the viewer's point of view. For simplicity, we'll continue to use a cube as our example. I mentioned in the earlier video on mapping that…
