From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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The circle in perspective (the ellipse)

The circle in perspective (the ellipse)

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

The circle in perspective (the ellipse)

- We've covered a lot of ground and we've been inside a lot of boxes which we're thankfully started to work our way out of. In the last movie we explored simple curved forms, those that can be unfolded flat because they curve only in one direction rather than multiple directions. Like this. The cylinder epitomizes a simple form and yet it's not quite so simple when viewed on its side. For now, let's explore in detail the vertically oriented cylinder. This will introduce the circle in perspective, but we'll do it with a workflow that is very simple and yet effective. We'll get our feet wet with a vertical cylinder and then look at the horizontal cylinder, which is more complicated. We'll add a handle to the vertical cylinder in the following video. What we'll learn here should make the process of sketching headphones or wheels, easier to understand. The first we need to cover, is the concept of the circle as viewed in perspective. I'll take a coin out of my pocket, hold it up to the…
