From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Solution: Sketch a thermos

Solution: Sketch a thermos

- Sketching Thermos concepts requires confidence with cylindrical forms, as well as locating more complex geometry on the cylinder, including some ways of comfortably and securely grabbing it. As suggested in the challenge, approaching the ideation process initially through quick orthographic views is a great way to jumpstart that process. In reality, I move fluidly back and forth between 2D and 3D, so that in the end my sketches are a mixture of orthographic, perspective, and even section cuts or other details. Whatever it takes to work through an idea so that it becomes clear enough to move into the shop, or onto the computer. So, here's a sheet filled with some initial concepts as well as more developed ideas, at varying stages to get a sense of my process. Notice that some ideas either stall, or simply stop because something else occurred to me. So I immediately started into that new fresh idea. And of course, the fresh ideas may also stall, or they may spark an idea worth…
