From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Solution: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

Solution: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Solution: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

- So hopefully you're beginning to understand just how important and powerful orthographic projection can be to the designer's creative process. It can assist in imagining objects in spaces that don't yet exist, but it can also assist in documenting on paper or screen concepts that have been mocked up with physical materials, such as a model or a prototype. The very process of sketching concepts orthographically in multiple views not only speeds decision making in terms of design, but also lays the groundwork for faster perspective sketching later on. Any time spent creating geometry in orthographic views will pay dividends when it comes time to sketch in perspective. The designer already understands key elements of the design, such as overall and internal proportions, as well as critical geometry. Generating orthographic views allows for a very important conversational approach by enabling the designer to respond to ideas as they emerge on paper, quickly and fluidly. So returning to…
