From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Projecting shadows

Projecting shadows

- In the last video we explored the process of projecting shadows, and I reiterated that it's just another sketching process involving the projection of geometry. In this case, a flat but reasonably accurate shape in perspective. But, products are not always cubic forms, thankfully and even when they are cube like, they often have components that extend into space or have more complex geometry. That means we need to be able to think on our feet to imagine projected shadows and shaded surfaces. Where there is shade and shadow, there must also be light. However, light in this case tends to be the white page itself. No lines, which stands in stark contrast to shade and shadow. To differentiate shade from shadow from light we need a range of values. The word value refers to the relative darkness or lightness of a color. Well, the color we are using is the color of our pen, that's it. So to create the illusion of shade and shadow we need to create a range of lights and darks. With a pen…
