From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Manipulating forms on the fly: Altered or derived cubic forms

Manipulating forms on the fly: Altered or derived cubic forms

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Manipulating forms on the fly: Altered or derived cubic forms

- Since the cube creates such a clear conceptual space for developing form, I think it's time to really push the boundaries. In this movie, we're going to take the scaffolding that supports our transparent cube and reposition it, extend it, and otherwise manipulate it to our own advantage. So that we can start to use it as both internal and external structure. My goal in sketching is to develop and manipulate its sketched forms much like I would physical material in a model shop. This way I can begin with something as simple as the general volume of the form and begin sculpting it with a pen and lines. But in order to do that, we need to know a few additional things such as how to split or subdivide form, as well as how to extend form with enough accuracy to be quick and yet confident in the process. In the movie Sketching DNA points, vertices, lines, curves, planes, and surfaces, I talked briefly about the power of the diagonal to find the center of a rectangular plane. And in the…
