From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Exploring the relationship between sketching and the computer

Exploring the relationship between sketching and the computer

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Exploring the relationship between sketching and the computer

- In an earlier movie, we talked about why designers still sketch with pen and paper rather than using sophisticated alternatives like computer aided design software or a graphic illustration program. Now, having said that, however, I don't want to leave you with the impression that these alternatives have no relationship to sketching. They are in fact, closely linked at least in the bigger picture of design visualization. When using a CAD program like SolidWorks, the only way to actually create a form is to start with, you probably guessed it: a sketch. There are no pull-down menus that allow a designer to create even the simplest of forms like a cube. Everything in SolidWorks is based on either a single sketch or a series of sketches from which surfaces and forms can be created. The sketches in turn, are made of vertices or points, straight lines and curves. This, in my mind, is how it should be because if I understand how to sketch, I'll actually be more productive when using any…
