From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Exploring the nature of flatness in multiview projection

Exploring the nature of flatness in multiview projection

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Exploring the nature of flatness in multiview projection

- Sketching in the most general sense can be thought of as a form of mapping. After all, maps are drawings or illustrations of real places that have been scaled down significantly so that they can be folded up and stuck conveniently away in a pocket. That is, at least traditional printed maps. But even digital maps, those viewed on a smartphone or a computer, are still scaled topographical representations of real places. The view we are most familiar with is the top view or plan view for obvious reasons. This view is sort of a bird's-eye or God's-eye view. And as I mentioned in the beginning of the course, it's convention that allows us to see where we are as well as where we are headed. In cities, it often takes the form of a roadmap. But if you're a hiker, then a map of the immediate terrain is required. The hiker relies on the contra lines, colors, and other graphic elements that describe and demarcate the natural landscape. The contours of that map, those concentric, ringlike…
