From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Drawing systems overview

Drawing systems overview

- Designers utilize a variety of different projection systems while sketching. Projection systems are just methods for recording 3D objects or spaces on two dimensional surfaces, like paper or computer screen. In this movie, we'll explore the two most common, orthographic projection and perspective projection. The main reason projection, or drawing systems, are so crucial is that they serve to organize the structure of your sketching. Through the use of various combinations of points or vertices, lines and curves, and planes and surfaces, designers create recognizable forms. Combinations are the name of the game. And in order to combine the elements of sketching into meaningful forms, we need rules and procedures, systems. But before we go much deeper into describing projection systems, it might be helpful to provide a simple example of projection first, since this is such a critical concept for sketching and also a little bit tricky to grasp initially. Think about an actor projecting…
