From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Creating curved surfaces

Creating curved surfaces

- In the last video, I used a quarter to demonstrate that when a circle is rotated away from the front view orthographic, it becomes elliptical. The more it is rotated, the flatter it appears. That angle of rotation is referred to as the degree of the ellipse. The easiest way to think of this is to go back to the quarter we used earlier and to think about point of view or vantage point. If we place the quarter on the ground and stare directly down at it, we see it more or less in top view. But as we push the quarter away farther and farther, it moves from that 90 degree angle and begins to change, getting smaller and smaller. The farther away the coin is, the lower the angle. It looks like this. You can think of a major axis passing more or less perpendicular through George Washington's ears. That's the pivot around which it rotates. OK, so now that we've cleared that up, let's get a handle on the cylinder, so that it starts to look like something. The issue we now face is one of…
