From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Challenge: Sketch a thermos

Challenge: Sketch a thermos

- Okay, so now it's your turn to apply the information from the last two movies to a practical application, such as a thermos or a container for holding or transporting liquids. The goal is two fold. To build on the information already covered about constructing cylinders with handles as well as that covering more complex surfaces, compound curvature. While the process of constructing a perfectly vertical or tapered cylinder is straight forward, a thermos often has a lid with affordances that allow it to be easily carried or connected to a backpack. A thermos will often have an open or closed handle, as well as a protective base in case it's dropped. All of these elements add greater functionality to the product, but also increase the work of the designer to visualize them. As with almost everything else we've done thus far, a couple of quick thumbnails, a front and side views, will greatly assist in thinking through the various elements and how they connect to the body of the…
