From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Challenge: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

Challenge: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Challenge: Sketch a simple 3-view orthographic of a wedge

- So you've now watched I constructed a 3D orthographic sketch of Alvar Aalto Stool 60, moving back and forth across the various views as I went. I've gone ahead and first sketched out a simple chair concept and then built it in solid work and finally 3D printed it. So I could use it in a variety of ways for this challenge. I'm gonna position it in front of the camera in the various orthographic orientations. In this case, a top view, front view, and side view and have you study it for short period of time and then challenge you to recreate the chair in a process similar to what I just demonstrated with Aalto stool. Keep in mind, that you can develop aspects of the various views somewhat independently. So for example, the angle of the legs in side view or the taper the seat in top or plan view. Once geometry is in place and you're happy with it, remember top just project down, over or up to another view to help in the construction of that view. It takes a bit of getting used to but…
