From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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Bridging orthographic and perspective: The rotated plan method

Bridging orthographic and perspective: The rotated plan method

From the course: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Bridging orthographic and perspective: The rotated plan method

- We spent an entire movie exploring the connections between the various projection systems. And now that we've gone through the process of developing a multi-view sketch of Albert Aalto's Stool 60, I think it's time to build on that knowledge and show how many of the decisions made while sketching in perspective rely on an understanding of orthographic projection. We're going to take our little house model, slightly different version of it here. And generate a freehand two point perspective sketch of it, based on the top view and the side view. The following demonstration isn't meant to serve as a step-by-step procedure for sketching and perspective, but rather as evidence that the two systems are closely aligned, and very, very useful in combination. This will hopefully become more evident throughout the course. For now however, I'd like you to walk through this exercise with me, as I demonstrate what's called the rotated plan method of perspective. I think once we go through it…
