From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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YouTube keyword and content research

YouTube keyword and content research

- [Instructor] YouTube happens to be the second-largest search engine in the world after Google, and not only that, but YouTube videos are starting to end up in the first pages of Google search results more and more, so it's really useful for you to create a YouTube channel for your website so that some of your videos can actually get exposure for the keywords that are important for you and for your business. But how do you optimize your YouTube videos for the maximum exposure? Well, first and foremost, you want to have the right keyword ideas, and one of the best ways to do keyword research for YouTube is to actually utilize YouTube Suggest. So this is when you go to the search bar and you start typing in a keyword that is related to your business. So let's say, for example, you have a baking-related business. You can actually type in baking, and as you will see, some suggested keywords will start coming. Now,…
