From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Twitter marketing for SEO

Twitter marketing for SEO

- [Instructor] Twitter is a great platform for you, both to promote your website and pages on your website, but it's also a great way for you to build authority in the search engines, as well. So this is an example here. I was featured on SE Ranking's Twitter. They @-ed me on Twitter, and they included a link to one of the videos that I made on behalf of SE Ranking. So what this does is it allows people to actually find this video, and I can actually generate traffic to that link now organically via Twitter, just of virtue of it being there. But also, I have retweeted this and shared this on my Twitter account, as well. And the reason why this is important is because Google and all of the other major search engines can actually see when a link on social media has been shared and liked a lot, and these shares are known as social shares in the eyes of search engines. So the more social shares a specific link has is the…
