From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Social media content syndication

Social media content syndication

- [Instructor] Content syndication is when you take one piece of content and turn it into other forms of content. This is a really popular marketing method when it comes to social media. But why is content syndication so effective? Well firstly, content syndication gives your content a second chance. Let's say, for example, your main platform is YouTube where you produce a lot of content, and you come up with a concept, maybe it costs you a lot of time, maybe it costs you a lot of money, energy, and effort, and you believe that this piece of content is going to really perform well for you, and you post it on YouTube and it underperforms. Well, if you syndicate that content and utilize it in other places, then it may still perform really well, and it helps to give your content a second chance. You can also save a lot of time when it comes to content syndication. If you are planning on producing content on multiple…
