From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Shareable content: Improve domain authority and website ranking

Shareable content: Improve domain authority and website ranking

From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Shareable content: Improve domain authority and website ranking

- [Instructor] Shareable content is content that makes a large number of people want to share it. Social sharing can really help with improving your website authority. So if you have, for example, a link that you have shared on social media, and that link from your website is being shared a lot of times, then the major search engines can see these shares, and these are called social shares. And this is a signal to the major search engines that that page on that website and the website overall should be authoritative. It contains some piece of information that is valuable or entertaining. So this can really help to attribute authority back to your site, and help improve your overall search engine optimization of your website. It also obviously helps to increase traffic from social media. So if you are getting a lot of shares on social media, then this is likely to drive people back to your website to take some…
