From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Marketing on Digg

Marketing on Digg

- Digg is a great platform for both, for you to share links and to find useful links as well for popular articles, and popular topics that you can engage with, and also potentially write about and share as well. So, as you can see, with Digg, it shows you the posts, and it shows you the popular ones, and how many likes they've gotten. You can also bookmark a post or share a post to your social media profiles as well. And you can actually search for content on Digg via the different categories as well. So depending on what industry you are in, you are going to want to focus on a specific category, and you can see what's trending, what's getting a lot of likes, what people are bookmarking and sharing on Digg to give you an idea of what's popular before you decide to go in, then post something as well. So you want to kind of keep in mind, I would recommend going through Digg, and just seeing what is popular on here,…
