From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Managing multiple social platforms

Managing multiple social platforms

- [Instructor] Managing multiple social media profiles can prove challenging, but there are a few things that you can do to help the process become a little bit easier for yourself. Firstly, creating a content calendar. This is when you know what to post and when to post it. You might have specific days for posting specific types of content. So Monday might be a particular posting day, and you know what you're supposed to post, but also, your audience know what type of content to expect from you on a Monday. Some of the benefits to creating a content calendar include it keeps you consistent on a week to week basis so people know what to expect from you and when to tune in. It also allows you to plan for future content. And as well as this, you can actually create batch content. So you might have a specific content creation day. where you create all of your content, and you know where that content will fit on each day of…
