From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Live events on social media

Live events on social media

- [Instructor] Most social media platforms now offer the opportunity for you to go live. And this could be useful in a number of ways. And if you're not utilizing going live on social media for your business just yet, then I highly recommend that you start. So what are some of the benefits to live streaming? Well, first and foremost, it creates an incentive to follow you. If you're creating live events on social media that your followers are interested in attending, then they are a lot more likely to click that Follow button and follow you so that they don't miss when you go live. You can also create content on the fly. So a lot of platforms that offer live streaming actually give you the opportunity to save that live and have it as part of your organic feed. So if you are struggling to keep up with the demands of creating content, then this is a great way for you to live stream and then just have that content published to…
