From the course: Selling into Industries: Manufacturing

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Developing the right line of questioning

Developing the right line of questioning

From the course: Selling into Industries: Manufacturing

Developing the right line of questioning

- To sell to manufacturers effectively, you need to understand the company story: who they are, what they stand for, and where they are headed. Let's take Karpen Steel, one of my favorite clients back in the day. The company was fifth generation, and they made pipe for large ships and freighters. The company had been started by my client's great-great-grandfather and was known in the industry for their quality of work and their commitment to their employees. To sell to Karpen Steel, you needed to understand that customer experience came first. There was nothing they would purchase or do that would negatively impact the quality of their product or the satisfaction of their customers. In addition, they were devoted to their employees and were open to hearing about any and all products that I offered that could enhance the quality of life for their employees. Knowing my customer's history, their story, their goals, gave me the information I needed to effectively build a strong…
