From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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Transaction code navigation in SAP

Transaction code navigation in SAP - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

Transaction code navigation in SAP

- [Instructor] Again, to do anything in SAP, we need to enter into what is called a transaction. Transactions can be entered using the SAP menu tree or by using transaction codes. In the SAP world, these are often referred to as T-codes. A T-code consists of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Every transaction in SAP has a T-code associated with it. Navigating with T-codes is usually much faster than drilling down using the SAP menu tree. SAP users almost always navigate using T-codes and most users end up memorizing the T-codes that they're using often. A quick search can help us out if we do forget a specific T-code. To navigate using a transaction code, we'll start on the SAP easy access screen. We'll click in the command field. This command field is at the top of every screen in SAP. We want to enter into the post incoming payments for accounts receivable transaction. The T-code for this is f-28, and we enter that…
