From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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SAP Quality Management (QM)

SAP Quality Management (QM) - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

SAP Quality Management (QM)

- [Instructor] Let's explore the SAP Quality Management module, also known as SAP QM. As the name indicates, this module deals with managing quality throughout a company's processes. There are three major areas of the Quality Management module. They are quality inspection, quality control, and quality notifications. Let's take a look at each of these areas. Quality inspection helps determine if the units inspected meet defined quality requirements. This is where inspection lots, results recording, and defect recording all take place. Let's take a look at an inspection lot in our SAP system. This is an inspection lot for a goods receipt. That means we're inspecting goods that were ordered from an external vendor. This inspection lot had a quantity of 10. Of these 10, zero units were defective or destroyed. Quality control is the area where different preventive, monitoring, and corrective activities take place. This is…
